There are many ways you can help CCO. If you want to get involved email
Donate Menstrual Products
We are always accepting new and gently used items to put in our kits. Cloth pads, menstrual cups, wet bags and accessories like pad wrappers, drying straps, ILP (interlabial pads) and cup spots are included in our kits.
Sewing Skills

Sewing cloth pads and wet bags that go in our free kits to people in need. Sew-a-thon’s are a favorite of our volunteers! Gather friends, and spend a few hours chatting and sewing! If you’d like help setting one up or need sewing resources, feel free to message us.
Help organize a fundraising auction (in our Facebook group), a personal fundraiser, or help us by organizing sponsors.
Educating people on all the options they have for their menstrual care is so important to us! Many don’t realize all the options available or how to properly use them. We want people to feel empowered with their period and their care choices.
We are holding FREE workshops in Michigan currently, if you’d like to host a workshop for your friends/family, join one at our office, or start running workshops in your area, let us know!
Also Join Our Facebook Groups
Reusable Workshops
Educating people on all the options they have for their menstrual care is so important to us! Many don’t realize all the options available or how to properly use them. We want people to feel empowered with their period and their care choices.
Host a workshop for your friends/family in Michigan, or come swing by our office and relax while you learn about your options for period care. Send us a message at for an appointment.
Budget Buy/Sell/Trade Group
CCO hosts a Budget BST group on Facebook that focuses on making budget friendly period products available. This is a hub for low-budget, quality cloth pads, menstrual cups, and accessories. Everything in this group is $5 or LESS, making it a great place to build up your cloth pad stash! Organize discounted group buys. All group buy forms are in our Support Group.
Support Group
For questions about reusable options and updates with shipping our kits, join our Facebook Support group.
We also post all our sales and discounted group buys there. In the past we’ve had discounted group orders with Prism Cup, Femmycycle cup, Sckoon cup, Prism cup and MeLuna.

Donors Only Group
The group Donors Only was created as a way for people to come together and help others obtain cloth pads through Cloth Connection Outreach Charity (Primarily in: USA, UK, Ireland and Canada) Amazon Wish List.
Cloth Pads B/S/T
The group Cloth Pads B/S/T was created to buy/sell or trade affordable menstrual products.